Can we count
on you?

Maybe you could
become a Partner.

At BR Partners, it’s our mission to work with a highly qualified and committed team, dedicated to excellence in service and logistic solutions that exceed client expectations.

What does it mean to be a Partner?

Focusing on the expectations of our clients and the quality of service.

Having a passion for your surroundings and a responsibility to society and the environment.

Contributing to a competent and dedicated team committed to the excellency of our services.

Why work at BR Partners?


According to our employees, BR Partners is considered one of the best places to work in the country.

Social Seal

The National SDO movement aims to construct a better, more socially inclusive society that is environmentally sustainable and economically balanced. Its mission is to facilitate the incorporation of the Sustainable Development Objectives into people’s daily lives and within the practices of Santa Catarina´s organizations.


As part of our goal to be a sustainable company, we finance Amazonian reforestation projects. We currently support Carbonext´s Amazonian conservation project, ENVIRA.

So, can you relate?

Are you ready to
become a Partner?

Talent database

Haven´t found the vacancy you want? Don´t worry! Upload your C.V. onto our talent database!

Trabalhe conosco

Deixe seus dados e
seu currículo em nosso
banco de talentos.

    *Campo obrigatório